JETF provide Musgrove Park Hospital with a NEW! Continuous Glucose Monitoring Sensor (Dexcom G4)


The Dexcom G4 is a continuous glucose monitoring sensor that monitors a person’s blood glucose continuously. A sensor is inserted into the abdomen and can remain there for 7 days. The Dexcom receiver shows the current blood glucose and alerts can be set to alarm for high blood glucose, low blood glucose, rapidly falling or rising blood glucose.

At the end of 7 days the receiver is downloaded and provides a summary report to allow the health care professionals and family to spot the trouble areas and look at ways to improve blood glucose control.

This piece of kit will be a valuable tool to enable us to provide us with the information we cannot otherwise obtain to help young people living with diabetes.

We are very grateful to the Josh Evans Trust for providing us with the Dexcom G4.
(Nicky Green, Diabetic Paediatric Specialist Nurse, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton)